AX102 Model Pneumatic Cylinder

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Product Name
AX102 Model Pneumatic Cylinder

Product Details

Bore (mm) 32 l 40 l 50 l 63 l 80 l 100 l 125
Piston Rod 12 l 16 l 20 l 20 l 25 l 25 l 32
Stroke 25mm to 1000mm (Up to 2000mm)
Pressure 0.5 ~ 10 kg/cm²
Temperature 80˚C

Female Clevise, Wall Bracket Mounting, Eye Rod Mounting, Fork Mounting, Clevis Foot Bracket, Clevis Foot Mounting, Foot Mounting, Front & Rear Trunnion Mounting, Male Clevis, Pivot Mounting, Rod End Aligner Mounting, Front/Rear Flange Mounting, Wall Bracket Mounting Female & Male Clevis, Center Trunnion Mounting

Medium Compressed air - filtered - lubricated